Fully static design 8-bit CMOS microcontroller up to 40 MHz.
64K bytes of in-system programmable Flash EPROM for Application Program (APROM).
4K bytes of auxiliary Flash EPROM for Loader Program (LDROM).
512 bytes of on-chip RAM. (including 256 bytes of AUX-RAM, software selectable)
64K bytes program memory address space and 64K bytes data memory address space.
Four 8-bit bi-directional ports.
One 4-bit multipurpose programmable port.
Three 16-bit timer/counters
One full duplex serial port
Six-sources, two-level interrupt capability
Built-in power management
Code protection
Packaged in
Lead Free (ROHS) DIP 40: W78E516B40DL
Lead Free (ROHS) PLCC 44: W78E516B40PL
Lead Free (ROHS) PQFP 44: W78E516B40FL
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