

  • NXP

    NXP 是一家新近独立的半导体公司,由飞利浦公司创立,已拥有五十年的悠久历史,主要提供工程师与设......
  • NEC

  • NS

  • 新唐科技於2008年7月由華邦電子分割,為華邦電子之關係企業。新唐科技延續華邦電子分割前邏輯IC事業......
  • NVE

    NVE Corporation develops and sells devices using spintronics, a nanotechnology we helped pioneer, which utilizes electron spin rather th......
  • NKK

  • The future of electronics is wireless and portable due to an almost insatiable consumer demand for ever greater levels of freedom and fl......
  • NHI

    National Hybrid, Inc. (NHi) was founded in 1974 to respond to the military/aerospace industry's critical and growing need for reliable, ......
  • NVIDIA 技术能够为各个计算领域提供绝佳的体验。NVIDIA Tegra® 处理器为创新的手机和平板电脑提供处理......
  • 南京芯力微电子有限公司由一群拥有丰富设计经验以及具有专业创新能力的高科技人才所组成,是一......
  • Nanya Technology Corporation was founded on March 4, 1995. The company conducts research and development, design, manufacturing, and sal......
  • 上海南麟电子有限公司注册于上海张江高科技园区,专注于模拟与数模混合类集成电路的设计与研究。......
  • NDK

    Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. (NDK) is, by pursuing 100% Customer Satisfaction & Quality First, striving to be the No. 1 Supplier and ......
  • 尼爾國際整流器,於1995年開始專業代工電力電子產品,於2002年在台灣正式成立尼爾國際整流器有限公......
  • 迎接21世纪的今天,全世界共有的价值观正在发生着变化。只追求便利性和丰富性的“科技万能”......
  • NEXTCHIP成立于1997年,是专门从事影像保安系统半导体设计的无设备企业. 以CCTV和DVR等产品为代表的韩国影......
  • Nexus Chips Co., Ltd. was founded on December 2001 as a professional enterprise of Graphic Acceleration Chip with low electrical power a......
  • NI

    NI公司1976年成立,专门开发、销售虚拟设备软件和硬件产品。公司开发数百种集成软件和硬件产 品,这......
  • NIC

    NIC Components Corporation [ ™], in association with Nippon Industries Co. Ltd is a designer, manufacturer and worldwide supplier ......
  • Having "Ever Researching for a Brighter World" as our motto, Nichia has grown in the field of manufacturing and sales of fine ......
  • Since its inception in 1950, Nichicon has focused on the development, manufacture and sale of the capacitors and other electronic compon......
  • 1957年成立,Sept.2004: 在Tokyo Stock Ex ;change1’st Section listed上市,注册资本 4,041million yen,员工780人,......
  • NMB

  • NORGREN,英国诺冠, 是世界著名的气动产品制造和供应商,为全球客户提供气动和流体控制解决方案,......
  • Nyquest Technology Co., Ltd. was established in October 2006. As a professional IC design house, the core businesses are the integrated ......
  • 尼克森微电子总部位于台北县汐止大湖科学园区,为专业之电源管理模拟IC设计公司,产品种类包括 功......
  • JRC

    JRC公司成立于1915年,是全球著名的射频和无线电技术先驱,也是全球最大的双极型和CMOS线性IC 制造商......
  • NCC

  • NPM

    Nippon Pulse Motor Taiwan (NPMT) is the branch company of Nippon Pulse Motor Co, Ltd. (NPM) of Japan. Since its founding in 1952, Nippon......
  • 聯詠科技為國內 IC 設計領導廠商,從事產品設計,研發及銷售。主要產品為全系列的平面顯示螢幕用驅......
  • NORTEL =北电网络有限公司----业界知名的IT产品公司 北电网络成立于一个多世纪以前,在全球通信网络技......
  • Corporate Name Nippon Ceramic Co., Ltd. Principal Office ......
  • ME

    Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc .is a High—Tech Enterprises headquartered in Nanjing,specialized in the development of ASIC chip......
  • Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, NEXCOM is committed to being your trustworthy partner in building the intelligent s......
  • Hangzhou NationalChip Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2001, specialized in IC designing, application developing and mar......
  • THX

  • Broadcom完成对NetLogic微系统公司收购 2012年2月23日 - 全球有线和无线通信半导体创新解决方案的领导......
  • NTK

    At NTK Technologies, we do not make the products that you see everyday. However, our innovation helps to advance many of the technologie......
  • NTE

    Founded in New Jersey in 1979, NTE Electronics, Inc has grown from a small-town supplier with ten replacement parts in its entire line t......
  • 安世半导体(中国)有限公司 Nexperia是全球领先的分立式器件、逻辑器件与MOSFET器件的专业制造商。公......
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